Thought Leadership


The Thought Leadership Effect:

Exactly How to Develop Your Unique Thought Leadership, Build Sophistication into Your Business and Step Up As A Leader People LOVE to follow. See below for ‘what’s included’ in the guide.

  • The 8 pillars of Thought Leadership, with question prompts and examples;
  • How to finding the courage to act consistently to take a bigger place in the world; and,
  • 6 levels of sophistication in business, helping you to see ‘where’ you are and what to put in place next.

Sign up for instant access to the brand new 40 page guide and learn:

How to admit the truth of what is next for you in your life and business, as well as how to accept and action that insight.

Why your Thought Leadership is central to your next level in terms of reach, impact and finances.

How to develop (write / create / communicate) your unique Thought Leadership (including key question prompts for all 8 pillars) to truly express yourself and stand out in your market.

How to build more sophistication into your life and business, honestly - to attract a better calibre of client appropriate to your level, to build scalability into the model, and to get better results you can hang your hat on.

How to guarantee your success now, by Being the Person who does the thing, by reprogramming your subconscious mind and by uploading your new identity into the environment around you.


In business, we talk about strategy and scale, funnels and operations, but they aren’t the reasons we follow someone and trust them deeply. I mean, no-one says “Oh I really love the plan they have for their marketing” or “Well, it was just the sophistication of their funnel, that’s why I’ve followed them all these years”.


The answer is in fact wisdom, insights, courage, direction, hope, truth.


We listen to people who share their wisdom based on lessons learned. We pay attention to people who share insights based on their understanding of the world, the market, culture, their take on what’s happening. We follow people who demonstrate courage through their ideas and their actions. We are grateful to people who show us the map, who give us hope and a way forward. We trust people who tell us the truth; their truth.


Wisdom | Insights | Courage | Direction | Hope | Truth – Summed up, this is a person’s Thought Leadership. It’s what they believe. It’s what they know and demonstrate in their results. It’s what they stand for. It’s what they predict is coming.

This might be typed up in a book, but it could just as readily be shared through a series of webinars or podcasts. It’s rarely ‘one document’ or one thing. It’s how they turn up in the world, over and over in a given period of time.


In this document, I’d like to highlight the power of this Thought Leadership Effect and show you how to develop your own model of Thought Leadership using a very simple eight-part methodology.


What follows isn’t just an explanation of ‘Thought Leadership’, but a step by step guided approach for developing your own unique Thought Leadership and using it to build real sophistication into your messaging, your brand, your business and your life.

Get the true attention of your future customers by sharing deep-rooted, wisdom-based, truly eye-opening insights and consolidated models or processes they haven’t seen and can’t stop thinking about. Talk about the problems people are facing. Provide novel insights and solutions. Form a model or path people can follow to find relief and get the result they want. Share this in your free content to develop it, and then spend the time to turn it into something more robust. No more generic, fast-scroll ‘algo’ content. We’re looking for Thought Leadership. We’re looking for models people can lean on. We’re looking for ideas that transcend the words you used to convey them.

What’s covered?

Part 1: Insights On What Your World Needs Today

An honest and insightful summary of what’s happening in the market right now (especially relating to online marketing and sales), with specific guidance on guiding your communities and clients through the necessary changes.


“Your job is to start structuring your ideas into a more formal programme of Thought Leadership, to launch your new programmes, to invent something new, to condense it into a model, to turn it into a brand of its own. Your job is to find ways to articulate your wisdom, break it down, communicate it, market it, sell it and scale it.”

Part 2: Your Path Through

Progress is the cure for exhaustion. Learn how to let go of what’s happened in the past, to see the opportunity that’s coming, and believe in yourself to get speed and reach back into your offers, your marketing and your business. It’s time to return to production.


“What I know for sure – three businesses deep and over seven figures in personal sales – is that everything you’ve done goes into and feeds what you’ll produce next. It’s okay to let go. It’s okay to move on and invent something new. You do have more to give, more to say.”

Part 3: How to Develop Your Unique Thought Leadership Model

Your ‘Thought Leadership’ isn’t one post or one model. It’s the compounded effect of your messaging online, the model you position for doing things differently and what you stand for, every day. With very clear question prompts and guides, learn how to develop your unique Thought Leadership under 8 key pillars.


If you read no further in this PDF, remember this: You first and foremost want to be someone worth following (locally first, then at scale). To do this, you’ve got to capture people’s imagination with ideas that change their thinking. You’ve got to make them feel it’s possible with stories and proof that show the way. You’ve got to inspire people back to action that will have an impact by sharing insights, wisdom and models that lead to the result.”

Part 4: The Eight Levels of Sophistication (In Business)

There are six very clear levels of sophistication you must build in your business. Avoid the overwhelm by ticking off everything on the list for each phase. This section will help you see ‘where you are’ and provide a map and process for moving forward to the next stage of growth and influence.


Be deliberate about this next phase. The content you share will attract the client you take on. Ask yourself a key question – What do I want to be known for going forward? Or, what do I want to sell going forward? Decide on that and work backwards. It’s a bold move but your content wants to attract those future clients.”

Part 5: Become the Person, Get the Result

This final section will help you get out of your own way and practice ‘Being the Person’ who does the thing! This final section is a motivating call to arms to get you moving on this work today!


Humans will always default to what’s easy, to what’s normal, to what’s acceptable. To change our lives, to bring about our vision, to live through purpose we actually have to break the habit of a lifetime and do the abnormal. Say no. Start that thing. Go on the journey. We have to practice living in a state of discomfort, to enact change.”

Thought Leadership PDF 1