Online Business Coach Lisa Bean

About Lisa

Lisa Bean is a UK based motivational speaker, best-selling author and online business coach, teaching heart-led entrepreneurs and business owners how to manage their mindset for success, how to increase sales and how to develop their unique thought leadership to build successful businesses online.


As the founder of three six figure businesses, with over seven figures in personal sales, Lisa is an expert in online sales and has a proven record of creating offers, making sales and changing lives. Lisa has completed over 1000 hours of coaching with start up entrepreneurs, six and seven figure business owners and eight figure corporations, and has delivered training for NatWest and The Guardian.


Having overcome clinical depression by giving in to her purpose and speaking her truth, Lisa is a trauma informed coach and is studying towards her masters in psychology to deepen her understanding of how change works in the mind. Lisa will be pursuing her doctorate in psychology following her masters.


Lisa’s first self-help memoir, First Sh!t Version, was self-published through an editorial company in 2020 and sold over 4,400 copies through word of mouth and Amazon searches. The book reached number two in the Kindle charts, number six in the paperback charts and number one in ‘hot new releases’. Lisa was shortlisted for Penguin’s WriteNow competition in 2020 (against 3,700 applicants).


Lisa is a keen cook, gym go-er and DIY-er and currently lives in the Northeast with her partner (Lucy), her step-daughter, a whippet and a tortoise. They’re midway through a renovation project and wondering what on Earth they were thinking.