I’m live-teaching a brand new business, sales and marketing school, starting on Wednesday 10th May. Are you joining me?

Once produced, this course will go on sale for £997. This is your chance to get it taught live, week by week, for £500.

Business and marketing online course

This course is about becoming the business owner who bills £100,000 / year in online sales.

I’ve paid my own wages since I was 23. I am now 37 years old. That’s a lot of selling, a lot of marketing, and a lot of lessons learnt. In this no-bs course, I’m going to push you very hard and very directly to do what it really takes to invoice £100,000 in a year, making your own money, using your own skills, and becoming the person who can handle the work, the clients and the success in the process.


There is a straight line through to the results you want and it centres around four key skills you must master and use: How to set a proper business strategy, how to market your services effectively online, how to sell and collect money via Zoom and via sales pages, and how to change they way you see yourself so you actually do the work and allow the success.


Click here to view the curriculum for this live course. I am evolving it daily as I speak to participants and see what additional support they need.

How to develop your unique thought leadership