

The ULTIMATE 2023 scale up planning session, grounded in your original Thought Leadership.


Learn how to organise and develop your original Thought Leadership into long copy pieces (PDFs / white papers / books / series podcast) and models, which you can use to stand out, build ‘waves’ of campaign momentum and tie your sales and marketing activities together effortlessly.


This is more than a ‘workshop’. What you produce will elevate your market standing, your entire fee structure and your life.

“The time flew by…It was just so juicy. Truly grateful. It was such a fantastic workshop at an absolute steal! Lisa gave so much value and her q&a at the end was invaluable and truly appreciate the time she spent helping us individually.” Julie G.

Includes four-hour LIVE session (via Zoom), pre-planning workbook and 30 minute 121 feedback session on your work. Replay also circulated

Top notch insight

Four-Hour live ‘THOUGHT LEADERSHIP’ Workshop for entrepreneurs who lead true change

Includes a 30 minute 121 feedback session on what you produce.


This workshop is the ultimate planning session for entrepreneurs who (1) want a clear and focused message at their next level of work, (2) know its time to step up with a long format ‘show’ to build a bolder brand online and (3) want to bill better for the true value they add.


Over four hours, we’ll be exploring, organising and plotting the three key things all scalable businesses need to make this happen: Unique, and original Thought Leadership, a proper sales plan and a workable content plan . 


Working together, we’re going to make sure you stand out as a true leader of change with an Edge people can’t come close to. Put simply, I am going to help you do five big things:

Pull out your unique (wisdom and experience based) Thought Leadership so future clients can't help but follow, like, subscribe and consume what you produce next. You'll leave with your outline and a rough draft to finalise, ready for review.

Produce long format pieces of content that summarise your unique Thought Leadership and demonstrate you know more, you are more. I'll show you how to turn your Thought Leadership into a long copy PDF, book, content series (e.g. Podcast) or marketing campaign.

Process all of your ideas, pick your best and most viable one and create a 2023 quarterly or monthly release schedule. In short, you'll create your sales and marketing plan for 2023.

Commit to a content 'show' that will help you further develop your message, build your brand and raise your standing amongst peers and audience. E.g. You'll decide where to put your creative efforts, what 'show' to produce and you'll plan your first four episodes.

Change the way you see yourself so you believe more in your message, your ideas and your ability to help clients get results.

After the call, you’ll have 6 weeks to submit your outcome to me and I’ll review it before hopping on a call with you to provide you with feedback. This will be in the format of a 121 Zoom call and I’ll have my notes ready to run through with you.

If this gets you excited (and a little bit terrified), take a punt on your next big move and book your spot now. It’s only £99 and it includes a live 30 minute review session with me, 121.

Making money

“This is the missing piece in my business”


“My biggest takeaway was the simplicity of it all. This is the missing piece in my business. I always avoid it because it’s just so overwhelming, but Lisa’s way has alleviated that overwhelm and inspired me to take action. It can be done, it’s simple and yet so impactful.


Lisa’s style of delivery is supportive and strong. There’s a quiet forcefulness that doesn’t push but builds confidence and has you believe in what’s possible. I felt very safe and very empowered.


The time flew by. I was surprisingly able to sit still for so long because it was just so juicy. Truly grateful. It was such a fantastic workshop at an absolute steal! Lisa gave so much value and her q&a at the end was invaluable and truly appreciate the time she spent helping us individually.”


Julie G

All participants will get a 30 minute 121 review session with me. I will read / review what you produce from the session and give you detailed feedback to take it to the next level.

How to develop your unique thought leadership

Core Session Outcomes:

Walk away with focus, your message, a framework and a plan to communicate this in 2023.

Create a solid working title for your Thought Leadership document and determine the six key points you will make.

Develop the first sketch of your unique 'framework', process or map for your programme or solution.

Commit to three core outcomes for your Thought Leadership, from a book to a weekly podcast show. Your choice. And your promise!

Feel genuinely excited about the future of your business and audience once again. Be raring to get back to work and scale.

Build a 12 month sales plan for the scale of your business, centred on your Thought Leadership, including your core offers, new offers, funnels and marketing.

I’m a business owner with a clear sales and marketing focus. I use original insights, wisdom and grit to stand out in a crowded market. And I always seek to change someone’s life and business long before they wonder how they can work with me. THIS is what I teach my business clients to do.

Tada moment

20 page workbook provided in advance of the session, including pre-workshop prompts and post-workshop accountability actions.

“It’s the magic you brought”


“Hard to qualify – it’s ‘the magic’ you brought and you spoke to us, I didn’t feel ‘delivered to’, as I have in other workshops. It was natural and engaging from the start and held my focus and attention. You were in tune with the feelings that would come up and named them which kept it real.”


Jill D

Workshop Details:

Date / time: Friday 28th March, 9:30 – 1:30pm

Format: Live Zoom session, 15-20 participants

Materials: 20 page workbook provided to help you complete your work. Replay circulated post-workshop.

Follow up 121: Each participant will get a 30 minute 121 review session with me via Zoom. You’ll have 6 weeks after the workshop to submit your work. I’ll read it in full, write up notes / annotate your document and give you the feedback directly during the 121 call.

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]. Otherwise, grab your spot and let’s get to work! 

How to develop your unique thought leadership

“Established roadmap to follow”


“My biggest takeaway was how thought leadership Impacts what I’m doing now and building up for the future. Finding a nuance or angle was particularly helpful to me because I needed to find focus and a way forward that was unique to me but also sat with my strengths and values.


Excellent delivery of workshop. I loved the pace, content was amazing and exactly what I was looking for. I appreciate that Lisa also left time for questions at the end.


Thank you so much for an amazing workshop which has left me with much food for thought as well as an established roadmap to follow. I am truly grateful that I can submit my work to you and have the one to one follow up.”


Julie E-H