How to change a subconscious belief

2023: How to Reprogramme Your Subconscious Beliefs and Change Your Life Completely

I’m a business coach, yup. BUT: Without a crazy, bold belief in myself, and without installing that belief in my clients, we’d be nowhere. NOWHERE.

In this video, I’m attempting to summarise the three biggest things I’ve learnt about belief, self-belief, and how you get the results you want through subconscious reprogramming.

I want to show you how subconscious beliefs are formed. Why we have them. And give you three steps for reprogramming them for good.

Honestly? It’s not as big a deal as it sounds..

80% of the battle is being willing to let go of the comfort of who you were to embrace who you know you can be.

And the other 20% is consistency around three simple things, which I’m sharing with you in the video.

Dig in, this one is worth it…