make sales online - online business coach

100 sales attempts

I over-produce everything, so this is a recording of an Instagram live I did yesterday about making sales over the summer (and the rest of the year).

It’s honest, it’s motivational and it will give you a refreshing new context on your business, on adding value and on pre-positioning sales. I’d watch it.

Look, you’ve got to be in it to win it!

People quit selling before they’ve even tried anddddd…the people who will buy in September are researching, assessing and deciding now. Showing up will help guarantee new results this month and for the rest of the year.

In this episode, I’m going to give you 3 inspiring (and honest) sales ideas for the summer. I’m also going to explain why it’s so vitally important that you turn up over summer, and how to reposition sales and marketing in your mind to lean in with more focus.

P.s. If you want to check out the brand new marketing course I mention in the episode, click here:


This is THE online marketing course for good people, teaching you how to nail your niche, really speak to your ideal customer and make sales in your online business without any more delay.

Marketing to sell online course