How to truly extend your reach in your business (generosity as a sales strategy)

Instead of hiding everything behind an opt in and a paywall, what would happen if you just let people have it and focused more on helping more and more people to see it in the first place?


When you stop making people opt in for your content, more people see it and more clients get the chance to trial you first.

Your customers are out there looking for you. When the right person finds you, they don’t need to give you their email address in a funnel to buy from you. Sure, it helps you to maintain contact, and it’s the right thing to do longer term for security in your business BUT –

Instead of hiding everything behind an opt in and a paywall, what would happen if you just let people have it and focused more on helping more and more people to see it in the first place?

Imagine if you could build an audience of 50,000, 100,000, 250,000 new people who saw your content a few times (and actually consumed it) and THEN offered them the chance to join you on a webinar or at a live event. How much would that increase the likelihood of people taking the next step, of actually showing up?

Too many people now are collecting email addresses from people who never show up, who never click open. What if, instead of leading with the freebie, you led with a video that shared your approach, or a series of clips that demonstrated your value, or a low cost live event that tipped the value in the favour of the customer.

All of this to say: Good hearted people can obsess less with funnels and trying to sell, and focus more on showing people who they are, what they know and how they work. Build your reach, lead with value, use generosity to pave the way, then explain your offers. If people can experience them first in smaller ways, they’ll understand it much faster when you position bigger programmes.

This clip was taken from a DARETOGROW / Live event in Leeds; full day networking + marketing workshops for purpose-driven entrepreneurs ready to grow. To find out more about the events and book a ticket, click here: