
I pushed open the gate with my knee and curled around it to avoid touching anything with my hands, because, you know.   I took five steps forward - hands on hips - catching my breath as I walked through the field at the end of path...

The art of journalling   Journalling is a beautiful self-care practice that can be used to process your thoughts, feel ‘heard’ and have a little chat with yourself to get back on track.   I have been journaling on and off since I was 11. I think it might...

We all know about balance, the idea of keeping the weight of (typically) two objects to create an even levelling. Well, the Oxford dictionary's definition is a bit clearer.     “An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.”     Did you pick up...

I live with a serious contradiction. 🤷‍♀️⤵️   On one side I shout PUT OUT YOUR FIRST SH*T VERSION. Make the quickest viable product, launch it NOW 🚀 and improve it from there.   And I MEAN it. I put a lot of focus on helping my clients launch quickly. 💪   It's not that...