01 Jun Am I Lost?
The Honest Process of Change
When people tell me “I’m so lost”, “I don’t know what my purpose is”, “I don’t know what I want for my life”, I gently and with a little cheek reply “You know exactly what you want and what to do next, you’re just not yet comfortable with the answer”.
I think deep down we all know what we want. We all know what is for us. We know the ‘truth’ of our next move. But, because we’re human and we’re good people, we can’t help but think about the impact this change will have on other people, and on our own reputations. “How will this look?”, “What will they say?”.
And it’s just too much to bear. So we stay. And we struggle. And we explain it by declaring to ourselves “I feel so lost!”.
It helps me to realise that ACTION isn’t the first stage in this process of change. Before action comes the need to ADMIT the truth, then the process of ACCEPTING that truth. Only then do we need to turn our attention to action.
And you can take as long as you want at each stage. But there is a vital difference between engaging in this process and doing work, and ignoring it in hope things will just get better.
So go easy on yourself, but don’t ignore the truth. Break it down. Admit it first. Spend time accepting it next. And then, turn your energy to action.
Admit. Accept. Act.
The change you want to make in your life is inevitable. It will happen in the end. So engage positively and humanly in this process and be part of the change you want.
I can’t believe I get to announce this today. My brand new monthly membership Be The Person Who Does The Thing is now live and available to join.
In this first month, we’re diving deep on purpose, vision and the person you need to become to hold the life you want in your hands.
Each month, there will be a brand new challenge, a worksheet and a monthly live (via Zoom) to hold you accountable, keep you focused and get you doing the work!
It’s time to engage more deeply in the process of change.
You find out more and join here: https://lisa-bean.com/programmes/membership/
Lisa x x
#howtochange #changeyourlife