14 May 3 things 7-figures in sales has taught me about making sales online
My mum sold over £1m of property this week.
I just messaged her to ask her if I could tell you that. She said I could.
It’s really mad typing it because my mum worked as a cleaner when I was younger, then a tailor, then an auxiliary nurse, then in the NAFFI on the tills when she followed my dad to Germany as an army wife.
When we moved to Canada (I was nine by this point – fourth school, third country), she went along to a ‘candle party’ with a friend. The host set up all the candles, lit the best ones, told everyone about the beautiful smells and the origin of the company and took orders.
My mum, in another country with absolutely NO EXPERIENCE, went home and said “Yeah, I could do this”, and she bloody did. She joined the company, bought her stock and started selling candles to Canadians…and other army wives.
And boy could my mum sell…
She was charming, chatty, friendly, funny and was bold in selling the benefits. She’d joke: “Just one, wouldn’t you like two? What about one for a friend?”. I’ve never really considered this before but maybe seeing her do it rubbed off on me.
I have memories of helping her set up the candles, of adjusting the display to make sure all the stock was showing, of her laughing with guests and showing the products. She loved candles. She still does.
Even now when I go home she asks: “Would you like to pick a candle from the cupboard?”. Yes mum, yes I would.
My mum now sells luxury houses and, well – she’s pretty canny good. I did call her to express my disappointment that the show house had been sold. I was saving up. Jokes guy – you know me, I love a construction site for a house hahahahahahaha-tears.
Do you know what’s amazing about being an entrepreneur? Guys – we don’t have to sell other people’s candles (unless you want to of course – totally valid!). But we do get to INVENT our own offers, services, products and courses too. Oh my god! We get to design something, develop it, perfect it, adapt it. We get to make what is in our hearts, put it on the internet and sell it! But guys, there is a catch…
The best coaches / trainers in the world aren’t the ones who make all the sales. The best sales people are the ones who make all the sales. What I mean is that they use very specific sales strategies to find customers, position the benefits and ask for the sale.
In my experience, this is the part a lot of purpose driven people avoid. Sometimes it’s not even conscious. They’ve literally never been taught how to sell. What I find these people doing instead is posting content that doesn’t really show the product, move the customer forward or link to the next logical step in the sales process.
I’d like to explain this more fully so I’ve made a video and gone a bit over the top on the editing of it to really show you what I mean. So, if you want to make more sales in your online coaching / education business, press play to learn:
(1) The difference between ‘lead’ content and ‘brand’ content and why your current content isn’t generating sales + how to fix this instantly;
(2) The one thing you can do in your week to instantly drum up more business and make more sales; and,
(3) How to tackle the mindset of selling in a really different way.
This episode is motivation, strategic and tactical. I think it’s a bit of a corker.
Please do enjoy.
And if anyone is in the market for a candle or a luxury home, you let me know!
Here’s to selling. Here’s to my mum. Here’s to entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurs change the world.