
North East Writer says “Put Out Your First Rubbish Version”

“Put out your first rubbish version”, says north east author Lisa Bean in her life changing new book, First Sh!t Version (Rethink Press), £12.99.


The book is a wonderful guide to uncovering your purpose, changing your life and making a living doing what you love. Told through awe-inspiring stories of Lisa’s life, including her journey through depression and out of debt, the book is informative, transformational and heart warming.


“It is possible to change your life”, said Lisa, “sometimes you just need to see other people who were once in a similar situation to give you hope. That’s why I included so many stories from my own journey out of debt, depression and despair, even the ones I felt so scared to share!”


The title of the book – First Sh!t Version – is a phrase Lisa uses often in her online courses and social media marketing.


“I thought it was funny and a little bit cheeky to say”, joked Lisa, “but then people started messaging and emailing me with photos of their first piece of work, their first vlog, their first course, telling me they’d put out their first sh!t version. The title just stuck!”


“I tell people all the time that there is a group of people out there right now waiting for exactly what you were born to teach”, added Lisa, “release your thing [the book, the video, the course] when it’s helpful to your audience, not when it’s perfect for the critics”.


Lisa is passionate about helping purpose driven entrepreneurs making a good living doing what they love. To do this she says you need to stop asking ‘how can I make money today’ and start asking ‘what will it take to make a living doing what I love over the next few years?’ – two very different questions that will yield wildly different answers.


Lisa first dove into the world of purpose having hit rock bottom with depression in July 2015. Having been sent to the doctor’s for help, Lisa declined medication in favour of daily running.


“I hated my life”, remembers Lisa, “and I knew medication wouldn’t change that, even though it can be helpful to people at times. “I needed drastic change and, surprisingly, it started with running.”


On these daily runs, Lisa would absorb the words and messages of motivational speakers and self help books. “I knew I had a story to share”, said Lisa, “but it wasn’t just one of overcoming depression: It was one of reconnecting with your purpose and finding the courage to build a life around what makes you truly happy. That takes so much courage.”


Lisa tells us that we all share a common purpose: To become the fullest expression of ourselves. What makes it unique, as it says in the book, is the unique is the life we’ve lived. Because we’ve grown through hard times, because we’ve experienced the lowest moments, we have real life true stories that helps us connect with and inspire others just like us.


“Everyone has something to say, something to share”, said Lisa, “but it’s rarely a message for your family and friends so asking for their input and feedback isn’t always helpful. Often, we’re creating content for people we have never met and might never meet. We must write for them, not for approval.”


Born in Newcastle, Lisa is the founder of three six figure businesses. Through her online courses and live events, Lisa teaches people how to uncover their purpose, change their life and launch a business to make a living doing what they love.


The book will be available to buy on Amazon and Kindle in January.


Meanwhile, you can grab your tickets to the Newcastle book launch here.